jueves, 13 de agosto de 2020

Clinical trials may soon begin to test equine therapy on Covid 19 patients

Within two weeks, the Costa Rican  CCSS expects to be able to start clinical trials on hospitalized patients of Covid-19 using an equine therapy developed by the Instituto Clodomiro Picado of the University of Costa Rica (UCR).  

If the new therapy is authorized and proven to be safe and effective for use on patients, it will be used on 26 of the most gravely ill hospitalized patients.

George Mason University in the United States recently confirmed that the treatment proved to be effective in lab trials.  It was also determined that because horses produce an extremely large amount of antibodies blocking the invasion of the virus,  the amount needed for each patient will most likely be relatively low.

We will send out another update on this topic in a few weeks. 

Source: Irene Rodriguez,  La Nacion

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