viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2020

Travel, Driving and Immigration Update



 Costa Rica no longer requires proof of a negative Covid 19 test for travelers entering the country. This applies to tourists, residents and citizens.

 As of November 1st, Costa Rica opened its air borders to all countries and all 50 United States.

 Land borders are now partially open. The northern border town of Peñas Blancas is open to some temporary Nicaraguan migrant workers and Costa Rican nationals. Foreigners with residency status may enter the country by land. However, land borders are not yet open to tourists.


Countrywide driving restrictions are still in place from 10 pm to 5 am on weekdays and from 9 pm to 5 am on weekends.

 The weekday restriction prohibiting the circulation of vehicles with license plates ending in 1 & 2 on Mondays, 3 & 4 on Tuesdays, 5 & 6 on Wednesdays, 7 & 8 on Thursdays and 9 & 0 on Fridays, is still in effect. Currently there are lawsuits in the courts attempting to change this ruling. The fine for violating the restrictions is approximately ¢110,000 colones.



This week, the National Insurance Institute (I.N.S.) began charging the 2021 marchamo, or annual vehicle registration (circulation rights). The deadline to pay the marchamo is December 31st, 2020.

 Due to the pandemic and economic hardships of many vehicle owners, the tax has been lowered this year. The percentage decreases are greater on vehicles with a lower tax value and gradually decrease as the vehicle's value increases.


·     Completion of epidemiological online Health Pass

·     Covid 19 Traveler's Medical Insurance with coverage for duration of stay. This is still required for tourists who are home owners or renters here. (Contact us if you need assistance purchasing policy.)


·     Passport or Cédula

·     Proof that CCSS payments are current

·     Completion of epidemiological online Health Pass



·     Tourists who entered Costa Rica from December 17th, 2019 to November 30th, 2020, can remain in the country until March 2nd, 2021.

·     The grace period for tourists driving with a foreign driver's license is currently November 18th, 2020 or 90 days after arrival. This date was not extended to March 2, 2021. However, lobbyists are working diligently to persuade authorities to change this ruling. We will be sending out updates on this topic as soon as the information is reported.

·     Residents with cedulas that expired after December 18th, 2019 are valid through January 11th, 2021.

·     Starting December 1st, Immigration officers will determine the length of stay allowed for tourists. Be sure to check the visa stamp on your passport upon entry. It will most likely match the number of days included in the travel insurance policy.

·     Immigration will reopen to the public by appointment only and begin accepting new residency applications on December 1st, 2020.  

(Sources: La Nacion, Outlier Legal, The Tico TImes, and CR Hoy)

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